Got Sticky Leather? Learn the Causes and Remedies
It’s a hot, humid summer day, and you are relaxing on the couch watching TV when you decide to get up to grab a cool drink from the fridge. But as you stand up, you can feel your skin sticking and almost peeling away from the seat of your leather couch.
If you are having troubles with sticking to your leather couch, there are things you can do to fix it. As your local source for leather cleaning and conditioning in San Diego, CA we have a few remedies you can try to keep your couch from getting that sticky feeling.
What makes leather sticky?
Before we get into how to remedy sticky leather furniture, let’s talk about what makes leather sticky in the first place:
- Spills
Even small spills that you might not notice can seem to evaporate quickly, but they can leave behind a sticky residue (such as the syrup from soda), or simply the moisture itself can make the leather feel sticky. - Body oil
Sweat and other body oils can also be the culprits behind a sticky couch, especially in the summer. - Conditioning
If you used too much solution the last time you conditioned your leather upholstery, the excess conditioner can actually give your couch that sticky feeling. - Sunlight
Heat from the sun, or really any direct heat, does not mix well with leather. If your couch is in a spot where it gets a lot of direct sunlight or is near some other heat source, this may be causing your leather to get sticky. Hot and humid weather may also be the culprit.
What can you do to remedy sticky leather?
Now that we know all the things that can make your couch sticky, let’s get into some of our recommendations on how to remedy that:
- Cleaning up spills
If you find that something was spilled on your couch, and it’s a fresh spill, you will want to dab it up as quickly as possible. You want to prevent the surface of the leather from absorbing the liquid. For older spills, you will want to clean it up using a leather cleaner. - Removing body oils
Body oils can be a bit tricky to remove. You can use a leather cleaner, just like you would for spills. However, since body oils would technically be classified as “oil-based,” you can try using a home remedy of mild dish soap. Rub your solution gently against the spot and then dry with a clean cloth immediately. - Too much conditioner
If you used too much conditioner, you will want to use a clean, dry cloth to try and rub away excess conditioner. If this is not enough, you can try cleaning the surface. Keep in mind that you may need to reapply the appropriate amount of conditioner after cleaning.
If you are having troubles with a sticky leather couch and these solutions don’t work, be sure to call Total Leather Care. We offer fast, convenient quality leather cleaning and conditioning in San Diego, CA. Simply contact us today!
Categorised in: Leather Tips