November 5, 2018 6:30 pm
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Spend any amount of time on Pinterest searching for interior design inspirations, and you’ll probably be overwhelmed with “rustic” styles. “Rustic” has become something of a cliché when it comes to interior design, with the word evoking images of items that are overly worn past the point of being charming. However, a certain type of “rustic” furniture and décor can be quite elegant, whether it’s in a gorgeous log cabin home surrounded by other rustic décor or a more traditional home in a city neighborhood. Some of the most common elements associated with this rustic style of furnishing include: Hardwood... View Article
October 22, 2018 6:29 pm
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We frequently have customers who come in and ask us about various aspects of leather furniture repair and leather conditioning in San Diego, CA. One of the most common questions we receive comes after people purchase a new piece of leather furniture: “How can I condition my new leather?” This question, while understandable, arises from a bit of a misunderstanding about the leather curing process. For the most part, leather upholstery is either sealed or finished, meaning there is no conditioner that will penetrate through its color and protective coatings down into the leather’s substrate. This means you should not... View Article
October 3, 2018 10:18 pm
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Leather is the gold standard of furniture upholstery, and for good reason—it’s beautiful, natural and durable. Leather is a long-lasting surface that comes in a variety of colors and finishes. Leather is exceptionally versatile, and effortlessly blends with virtually any type of décor scheme. Additionally, leather is resistant to scratches and other types of damage that can plague less durable types of furniture upholstery. Leather is relatively easy to care for and clean, especially when you work with a company specializing in leather conditioning in San Diego, CA. Thanks to its desirability, however, leather often represents a substantial investment. If... View Article
September 19, 2018 10:18 pm
Published by Writer
Leather is a highly desirable type of furniture upholstery known for its rich natural beauty, long-lasting durability and cool comfort. While leather is a largely durable, easy-to-care-for surface, it’s occasionally necessary to visit a professional specializing in leather cleaning in San Diego, CA. Working with a professional leather care expert can help you make the most of your investment in leather furniture, and ensure that your leather upholstery lasts as long as possible. Identifying leather finish Modern leather furniture is tanned and finished in many different ways. The type of leather finish used on your furniture will determine the best... View Article